The anniversary of the Act of Abolition (1st July, 1782) is just a little over a month away. What better time for the Scottish Tartans Museum to introduce this new t-shirt featuring art by Shaun Maxwell?
As can be seen on my main website , I have, since September of last year, put a hold on taking new kilt orders. The primary reason is to allow me to catch up on my large backlog of orders. For some time, the rate of new kilt orders coming in has outstripped the rate at which I can make them, leading to extended wait times for my customers (which neither they nor I are happy about). This temporary hold is allowing me to remedy the situation by working through current outstanding orders without new orders being added to the back end of my order queue faster than I can turn new kilts out. So far it is working. My kilt order queue is currently stands at 18 kilts. For years now it has been in excess of 30 kilts at any given time, so I am quite happy to see the smaller number. However, it is slow going. As most of my followers are aware, kilt making is not my full time job. While a full time kilt maker may be able to complete a kilt in 2 or 3 working days, my wor...
My client for this Macbeth tartan kilt (four yard, box pleated) requested that I take some "in progress" photos as I was making it. I was happy to oblige.
When deciding to spend their hard earned money with any business, small or large, one factor that potential customers often consider is communication. How easy will it be for me to communicate any questions or concerns with this business? How open will they be to resolving any issues that I may have? This is a very important concern, so I wanted to devote this blog post to the level of communication that my kilt clients may expect from me. Communication is one factor of my business that is simultaneously a strength and a weakness. What do I mean by that? Strength: When you communicate with me, you are communicating directly with the person who is making your kilt. There is no middle man to go through. I am actually the one cutting the cloth, stitching the pleats, and so forth - my hands are on every part of the process up to and including putting the mailing label on the final package. So you will be talking with someone who has first hand knowl...
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