Hello, my name is...

It is time to share with you another of my Highland dress pet peeves... name tags. Yes, that's right. Name tags. What on earth does this have to do with Highland dress, you might ask. And why is this a big deal? No one really wants to wear a name tag, anyway, right? People only wear them if they are forced to for their jobs - sales clerks and fast food employees and the like. Why would people want to wear a name tag with their kilt? Well, people do. This is something that I believe stems from the Highland Games culture here in the US (and I can only assume the practice is similar in other nations where Highand Games are held, though not in Scotland). For many people, their first exposure to the kilt, and the major influence in how they think the kilt should be worn, is what they see at Highland Games. And at Highland Games, all of the "important people" wear name tags. Just pay attention the next time you are strolling about the fie...